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you want
to spend them?

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Your days are your own now. 

change up
(n) the process of doing something different in one's routine or life


You've had your last official day at work. 

Day one of life after career: You've had breakfast, three cups of coffee, walked the dog, spent a few hours online. You're entertaining the idea of doing something ambitious later on, but you don't know what yet. By 4pm, you're thinking about how much work you used to get done by that hour. More importantly, you're already missing the office comraderie. You worry about your validity now that you're no longer identified by your professional life.

Day 30: Looks about the same.

So what are you going to do to change things up? 

It varies for everyone, but data shows that the primary issue that people face post-career is a loss of identity. For years, you were largely defined by your career, on paper and by everyone you know. That identity fed your sense of purpose and in large measure, validated you.


So how do you create a new version of you?


You'll want to take the time to take stock of who you've been and who you wish to be. What kind of things interest you? Who do you want to spend time with? Then explore your options, whether it's dabbling in a new work opportunity, paying it forward by helping others, acquiring some new skills or discovering new faces and places.


Change up doesn't mean you have to make a huge commitment, however you'll find that an agenda of golf, binge-watching Netflix or moving up Happy Hour isn't likely to make you well, happy. It's about designing your life so it reflects what's important and doable for you. And while you're at it, make good on a promise or two you've made to yourself over the years but were too busy to make happen.

We are your go-to source to help you plan what's next. Change Up is a team composed of like-minded people driven by our collective desire to help fellow professionals get excited about what's ahead. We focus on four areas to ensure that we offer a wide range of possibilities:


Together with our subject matter experts, we can help you explore ideas and gain insight from others who have shared their experiences.. We'll provide you with practical information, support and next-step guidance. Check out some of our experts and the resources they offer to help you kick your search off right.

Storylines:  Life After Career

At the heart of Change Up are stories from people who have been where you are, deciding what to do next. And they've done it - gained clarity on what they want and created a new path for what matters to them.


For some it wasn't an easy or smooth transition. Some were forced out of their jobs, even though they knew they had good years left. Some people experienced some formidable challenges as they figured out a new plan. In all, many life lessons learned.


But each one of them have generously shared candid accounts of what they did to move on. Give them a read and see if they help motivate you in changing it up.

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